International Aspect


- Strong international orientation of these courses :

The strong international orientation of the courses allows students to develop their ability to adapt to different research systems in Europe and around the world, and to participate in international research projects, thereby opening up a great deal of opportunities for them. This course qualifies you to apply for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master ChEMoinformatics+ degree.

The ISDD Master was cited in 2015 by a top rated journal as a Master of the Future for drug discovery at the international level: «Refining the chemical toolbox to be fit for educational and practical purpose for drug discovery in the 21st Century», Lolli et al, DDT, 2015.

This internationally-oriented master’s degree offers two courses since 2019 (including a double Franco-Italian diploma), each including at least one semester abroad.

  • The program « ISDD-macromolecules », focused on the modelling of biological macromolecule targets, and their interactions with drugs and other chemical molecules. It includes participation by international experts, and a semester of study and/or internship abroad.
    This program gives the opportunity to the students to obtain two diplomas: the Bioinformatics Master ISDD Course - Macromolecule Modeling, for the Paris-Cité University.

Each of these two specialties corresponds to 50% of the courses in English, and includes at least one semester abroad.
Language courses (English, French, or Italian) are integrated into the curriculum to help students prepare for their mobility and work in international projects.

International professors such as Pr Fernandez-Recio (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona) in the «Protein docking» module, Dr Xhaard (Finland, University of Helsinki) in the module «hits to leads» will take part in this master as well as researchers from the industrial world such as (Servier, Galapagos, or SANOFI).
  • Mobility assistance: Erasmus grant, MIEM grant, etc.