Presentation of course ISDD-Molecules Bioactives

The program of «IsDD-bioactive molecules» course, jointly run by the Universities of Strasbourg and Paris Diderot, is dedicated to the modelling of bioactive molecules and in silico pharmaceutical chemistry. This specialisation is aimed more specifically at students with a background in chemistry or pharmacy (or biologists with the required knowledge in chemistry), wishing to acquire in-depth knowledge in modelling of chemical molecules. This specialty includes a semester in chemoinformatics at Strasbourg University, and a semester focused on bioactive molecules at the University degli Studi di Milano.
This program gives the opportunity to the students to obtain two diplomas: The master Bioinformatics course « In silico Design of bioactive molecules » from the Universities Paris Diderot and Strasbourg and the «Laureate Magistrale in Science Chimiche» from the University degli Study di Milano

This course offers semester 1 at Strasbourg University, semester 2 at degli Studi di Milano University, then semester 3 at the Paris-Diderot University, and a final semester in internship in France or abroad. As part of the double degree for Italian students, they will complete their first year of the master at the University degli Studi di Milano, S3 at the Paris Diderot University, and S4 in internship at University degli Studi di Milano.